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Disc Cover Menus

The "Disc Cover" Menu

About Disc Cover
Display the dialog with information about the program.
License... Provide access to the registration information.
Check for Updates Check for the latest updates on the Internet:
Preferences (Cmd+",") Bring up the program preferences dialog.
Quit (Cmd+Q) Exit the application.

The "File" Menu

New (Cmd+N) Create a new blank document.
New from Assistant... (Cmd+Shift+N) Create a new document with the help of Assistant.
Open... (Cmd+O) Open an existing document.
Open Recent > Open the list of the documents you last worked with.
Close (Cmd+W) Close the open document window.
Save (Cmd+S) Save the open document.
Save As... (Cmd+Shift+S) Save the open document with a new name.
Save As Template (Cmd+Shift+Option+S) Save the open document as a template.
Export... Save the open document as a graphic file (PDF, TIFF or JPEG format).
Design Element->Add Add a new design element.
Design Element->Change Layout Change the layout of the current design element.
Design Element->Delete Delete the current design element.
Calibrate Printer... Display the printer calibration dialog where you can calibrate the printer for more precise printing.
Page Setup... (Cmd+Shift+P) Present the standard Mac OS X dialog for changing the size, orientation and other parameters of the active page.
Print... (Cmd+P) Bring up the Disc Cover print dialog.

The "Edit" Menu

Undo (Cmd+Z) Reverse the last operation you performed.
Redo (Cmd+Shift+Z) Reverse the last Undo operation.
Cut (Cmd+X) Remove the selected objects or text and place the selection onto the Clipboard.
Copy (Cmd+C) Copy the selected objects or text onto the Clipboard.
Paste (Cmd+V) Paste the content of the Clipboard into the document.
Paste with Styles (Cmd+Shift+V) Paste text (preserving its original text style) from the Clipboard into the text box.
Duplicate (Cmd+D) Duplicate the selected objects.
Delete (Del) Remove the selected objects.
Find->Find... (Cmd+F) Open the Find dialog box.
Find->Next (Cmd+G) Find the next occurrence of the word or phrase entered into the Find dialog box.
Find->Previous (Cmd+Shift+G) Find the previous occurrence of the word or phrase entered into the Find dialog box.
Find->Use Selection for Find (Cmd+E) Find the next occurrence of a word or phrase that you have selected in the text box.
Find->Jump to Selection (Cmd+J) Show the selected object(s) in the document view.
Spelling->Spelling... (Cmd+":") Open the Spelling dialog.
Spelling->Check Spelling (Cmd+";") Check spelling.
Spelling->Check Spelling as You Type Check spelling as you type.
Select All (Cmd+A) Select all objects in the document.
Special Characters (Cmd+Opt+T) Open the Character palette.

The "Insert" Menu

Image->From File Insert an image from a file into the current design element.
Image->Generate Random Insert an image generated at random.
Image->Search on the Internet Search images on the Internet.
Smart Shape Open the list of Smart Shapes.
Text Box Insert a text box.
Date & Time Insert current date and time.

The "View" Menu

Zoom In (Cmd+Option+"=") Enlarge the current view.
Zoom Out (Cmd+Option+"-") Zoom out the current view.
Actual Size Display the document at its actual size (100%).
Fit Width Scale the document so its width fits view window width.
Fit Height Scale the document so its height fits view window height.
Fit Page Scale the document so that the current page fits view window.
Show/Hide Ruler (Cmd+R) Show or hide the ruler.
Show/Hide Margins (Cmd+\) Show or hide margins.
Show/Hide Object Borders (Cmd+Opt+\) Show or hide the borders of objects.
Show/Hide Background/Foreground Open the selected layer (background or foreground) for editing.
Customize Toolbar... Open the Customize Toolbar dialog.

The "Format" Menu

Font->Show/Hide Fonts (Cmd+T) Display the Font dialog.
Font->Bold (Cmd+B)
Font->Italic (Cmd+I)
Font->Underline (Cmd+U)
Modify the properties of the selected text.
Font->Bigger (Cmd+Opt+"+")
Font->Smaller (Cmd+Opt+"-")
Increase/decrease the size of the selected text.
Font-> Ligature
Modifiy the properties of the selected text.
Text->Align Left (Cmd+{)
Text->Align Right (Cmd+})
Align text to the left, right, center or justify it.
Text->Writing Direction Toggle the writing direction.
Text->Hyphenation Allow hyphenation.
Image->Edit Open the Edit Image dialog.
See "Working with Images" for details.
Image->Tile Create a tiled image.
See "Working with Images" for details.
Image->Replace Image at Import Turn the selected image(s) into placeholder(s) to automatically substitute with imported images.
Add Shadow Add shadow to the selected object.
Bring Forward (Cmd+Option+F)
Bring to Front (Cmd+Shift+F)
Send Backward (Cmd+Option+B)
Send to Back (Cmd+Shift+B)
Move the selected objects above or behind all other objects.
Move To Background/Foreground Move an object to the selected layer.
Align->Left Edges Align the left edges of the selected objects.
Align->Right Edges Align the right edges of the selected objects.
Align->Top Edges Align the top edges of the selected objects.
Align->Bottom Edges Align the bottom edges of the selected objects.
Align->Centers Horizontally Align the centers of the selected objects horizontally.
Align->Centers Vertically Align the centers of the selected objects vertically.
Distribute->Spacing Vertically Create equal vertical spacing between selected objects.
Distribute->Spacing Horizontally Create equal horizontal spacing between selected objects.
Distribute->Centers Vertically Create equal vertical spacing between the centers of selected objects.
Distribute->Centers Horizontally Create equal horizontal spacing between the centers of selected objects.
Move to Center (Horizontally) Move selected objects to the center horizontally.
Move to Center (Vertically) Move selected objects to the center vertically.

The "Window" Menu

Minimize (Cmd+M) Minimize the currently active window.
Bring All to Front Move all application windows in front of the windows of other active applications.
Import->File&Folder List
Open the specified tab of the Source panel.
Clipart->Clipart Collection
Clipart->Smart Shapes
Clipart->Custom Folder
Clipart->Image Depot
Open the specified tab of the Clipart collection.
Inspector->Design Element
Inspector->Fill & Shadow
Open the specified tab of the Inspector window.
Show/Hide Colors (Cmd+Shift+C) Display or hide the system Colors window.
Show/Hide Fonts (Cmd+T) Display or hide the system Font window.
Toggle Clipart Panel Hide/show the Clipart panel.

The "Help" Menu

Disc Cover Help (Cmd+?) Open Help documentation delivered with the application.
BeLight Software Web Site The web site of the Disc Cover's manufacturer
Useful Online resources Useful resources on BeLight Software Web Site related to Disc Cover.
Send Feedback Lets you send feedback to the developers by e-mail.