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Music Disc Content

(some features require the standard version)

Disc Cover can import a list of audio tracks from iTunes if you use it to organize and play back your music. You can also create a track list if your audio collection is stored as MP3 files on your hard disk.

Importing a Track List from iTunes

  1. Open the "Music" tab on the Source panel (use the "Window/Import/Music" menu command). Choose "iTunes" in the "Import Data From" pop-up menu to open Import dialog.
  2. Select a play list in the left box and its tracks will be shown in the right box.
  3. Select tracks you want to import and click the Import button.
    Enabling the Use AppleScript option, gives you an alternative import method. It is slower, but guaranties the track order exactly as it is in iTunes.
  4. List of imported tracks will appear on the Source panel. Select a presentation format of the list and drag it to your document.

Note: If you drag text from the Source panel onto existing text, the new text will replace the old one. A blue frame indicates that text in the text box will be replaced.
If the Automatically replace Text in Objects with imported data checkbox is enabled in the Import dialog, the program will update data in your document automatically.

Creating a Track List of your MP3 Collection

  1. Open the Music tab on the Source panel (use the Window/Import/Music menu command). Choose MP3 Files in the Import Data From pop-up menu to open the Import dialog.
  2. Click the Change Folder button to select a folder with your MP3 collection. The right box will show the name of the selected folder and the audio tracks will be shown in the left box.
  3. Select the tracks you want to import and click the Import button.
  4. A list of imported tracks will appear on the Source panel. Select a presentation format (one column, two columns, etc.) of the list and drag it to your document.

Note: If you drag text from the Source panel onto existing text, the new text will replace the old one. A blue frame indicates that text in the text box will be replaced.
If the Automatically replace Text in Objects with imported data checkbox is enabled in the Import dialog, the program will update data in your document automatically.

Your MP3 music collection may contain pictures (album artwork). If so, they will be shown on the Source panel below the track list. You can drag them to your design.

Importing from Toast Titanum Audio Project

Disc Cover can import data from a Toast audio project: track name, track duration and playlist name (Audio CD name).

  1. Open the Music tab on the Source panel (use the Window/Import/Music menu command). Choose Toast in the Import Data From pop-up menu to open the Import dialog.
  2. Select a Toast project.
  3. A list of imported tracks will appear on the Source panel. Select a presentation format (one column, two columns, etc.) of the list and drag it to your document.

Note: If you drag text from the Source panel onto existing text, the new text will replace the old one. A blue frame indicates that text in the text box will be replaced.