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Creating a File List

Disc Cover allows you to create and print a list of files and folders from a folder on your hard disk or removable disk.

  1. Open the Data and Files tab on the Source panel using the Window/Import/File&Folder List menu command.

  2. Click the Folder... button to open the File Import dialog.

    In the dialog, navigate to the desired folder. The name of the selected folder will be shown in the left box as the root folder. You can navigate its subfolders, if they exist.

    The right box will show list of files and folders from the folder(s) selected on the left. The shown files and folders are in the folder hierarchy one level below the folder(s) selected on the left. You can select several folders to add their content to the list on the right (use the Cmd and Shift buttons for multiple selection).

    All file and folder names you want to import must be selected in the right list.

    To change the root folder, click the Change Folder... button and select the desired folder.

  3. If the Automatically replace Text in Objects with imported data checkbox is enabled in the Import dialog, the program will update data in your document automatically.

    When ready, click the Import button. The selected files will appear on the Source panel.

  4. Drag the list to the document. Use the Format drop-down list from the Source panel to control the list's format.

Note: To get a list of folder names, select "Folders" in the Format drop-down list.

Note: If you drag text from the Source panel onto the existing text, the new text will replace the old one. A blue frame indicates that text in the text box will be replaced.